Monday, March 23, 2009

next topic +.+ = ATOMIC STRUCTURE

yoyo..check it we have finally move on to a new chapter in the chemistry wats the new topic..DUH! ATOMICO STURCTURECO.. don worry..its spanish slang..

well as usual..we have to write here wat we have learnt in chemistry lets not waste time and just hit the jackspot on the spot..

today we learnt abt:
  1. istopic, isotonic and isoelectronic..
  2. orbitals and subshells
  3. there are 4 types or more orbitals mainly consisting s,p,d and f
ohh brain fused... i cant remember any thing els coz i am without notes..but don worry..I WILL BE BACK.

c u later ")

Sunday, March 22, 2009

whooooooping weakness and strengths ")

well i am back again..surprising to c 2 post in one day..don be coz its towfiq dude! =.=

so lets get started..

weakness is all i hate coz ppl tend to take advantage of it and have a better chance of doin well, on the other hand strengths is the hardcore favourite word of everyone's coz it gives confidence and level of encouragement to advance forward without looking back..

SO..the question is..wats ma strengths and weakness in chem??

u will be shocked to hear this...i am stucked in between both! reason becoz i do understand everything but due to lack of practice i cant figure out how to do the question of that particular topic..other than that one of ma major weakness is that i cant meomorise as i tend to forget fast..

The Career That is Destined In Ma Fate

hey all..back to the ground after a long tiring and endeavoring journey in the upper limit in the sky where peace and serenity lies and no problems can reach there unless ur plane is out of petrol or under any critical technical circumstances that u as a pilot is facing..

well enough of baaa baaa black sheep..lets get back to business..

perhaps u guys are still wondering what my career shud be..then let me assure u that there is only one option that is whispering into ma ears and...yes u are rite..tat's 100% pilot.

So..What are the entry requirements to be a perfect full stop top down left right pilot..well the key is :

People who would like to become airline pilots will be required to have GCE 'O' Level qualifications with pass in 5 subjects including English, mathematics and a pure science subject that is preferably physics. All subjects must be taken at one sitting. Applicants will also be required to have GCE 'A' Level qualifications with 2 'A' Level and 2 'O' Level passes, including General Paper, a diploma from a recognised polytechnic, or a degree from a recognised university.

Applicants must have a high standard of medical fitness and good eyesight (6/60 without optical aids, correctable to 6/6), be at least 1.65m tall, and be between 25 and 31 years of age.

Successful candidates will be required to undergo a training scheme.

Note: As requirements vary for different airlines, please check with each airline's human resource division or refer to advertisements in the media for further details.

The following junior college subjects are relevant for entry into this occupation:

And Of Course! money money money! let us have a outlook salary of pilot..sure u are curious enuf..

-for noobs who just join in as a raw fruit..During training, the remuneration will range from $500 to $2,200 per month

-slowly slowly when u get experienced and ripe..On appointment as the First Officer, the commencing salary will range from $3,400 to $4,425 per month.

-finally when u are toooooooooooooo pro already..inclusive of salary and allowances, Airline Pilots can earn from $5,000 to $7,300 per month.

so i have discussed the possible outcomes of qualifications to become a perfect pilot..but b4 i finish all i wanna say is that..its easy to choose a career but difficult to pursue it..when u really achieve ur career..tat will be the day when u achieve ur success in don give up and always GO FOR IT! ASTALA BISTA ")